Let's advance the film almost three years ahead (to present day March, 2014)... as I sit here on a Tuesday afternoon trying to clean up some of my Favorites pages, I suddenly stumble across the once glorious blog BEST NUMBER 7 IN TOWN.
I feel nothing but sadness for my failure. When I started out, the goal was to eat seven NUMBER 7s over the course of seven consecutive nights... and I fell short... only completing four. The embarrassing truth: Hung Far Low damn near killed me. Well, that may be an exaggeration, but it certainly killed my spirit. I couldn't hang... couldn't deal with the scientific process of determining meat origins, vegetable types and sauce ingredients. And frankly, I was feeling pretty damn sick at that point. My idealistic pursuit was an outright failure, and I failed my readers by neglecting to announce my defeat.
My sincere apologies.
Happily, I can announce now that I have renewed enthusiasm for this project... but will have to scale back any spectacularly misguided ambitions, such as eating NUMBER 7s for seven consecutive nights.
But here's where the fun comes in! I will formally now invite YOU, dear reader, to submit your own BEST NUMBER 7 IN TOWN reviews... and will post them herein, and happily credit your ambitions.
You can see by the previous posts the basic drill... eat a Number 7, take some photos, weigh it if you can, calculate the cost per ounce if you want, show us your fortune, etc.
Submit your offerings to
Please be sure to include the name and location of the restaurant (city name is enough) and write, write, write like the wind! I will then do my best to promptly get your adventures in Number 7 Land uploaded for all to ponder.
Think of the glory! Think of the pageantry! Think of how downright AWESOME you will become in the eyes of your peers and the esteem you have earned in their hearts.
Someday I may become technologically advanced enough to allow direct user input - and I'll keep you posted on that as we go along... but for now, I'll just have to input myself manually on this typewriter/video interface device type thingy.
So I command to thee GO FORTH AND EAT! Get creative - don't limit yourself to Chinese Number 7s.. heck, if you're at a French Bistro and they offer a Number 7 (yah, right) EAT IT... and send me your findings.
Cheers -
Eddie Trojan
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